Friday, April 9, 2010

Post 169: Update!

I knooooow it has been awhile. I am getting 'lazy' with my blogging. I am SO busy with the house and making baby plans that I cannot find the time or desire to blog (terrible huh?).

Since the move I have received some FANTASTIC surprise packages from some blog and non-blog friends of mine that I keep meaning to share! Every one has been so sweet and fantastic, it warms my heart. I will get around to posting those once I can find the time for pictures (oh, and the camera i misplaced again...).

In other news the husband and I found out we will be having a BOY! I am so excited to know who has been making my stomach turn all this time. Our next big hurtle is coming up with a name since the man and I agree on NOTHING. haha. I am sure it will come to us just in time.

I am not sure exactly when I will make it back but I can promise there will be some time between blogs until I start to get things organized and in place around here. Thanks for following along!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Post 168: Rawr!

I really wish I would have taken some better pictures of this room. It would have been fantastic if I could have taken one with the original furniture. Supposedly, this fabric wall was designed by some great interior designer 40 years ago for the owners' son. (They used interior designers for EVERYTHING)
It is fancy fantastic! I have taken the fabric down (against my husbands wishes) but I did manage to salvage the fabric out of the deal. I WILL be using it for some fantastic handmade items once I get the time.