Beautiful Amy of
Ponder & Stitch passed on this Beautiful Blogger Award to me. Be sure to check out her
shop it is too fantastic!

Seven things you may not already know about me...I did something similar to this in the past so I tried my hardest to come up with some new facts!
1. I hate when I remember my dreams, especially if they were REALLY good dreams about fantastic things I will never obtain. It just makes the next day entirely too depressing.
2. I am a turning into a hermit and I enjoy it.
3. I am the biggest scatterbrain to walk the face of the earth. I am convinced I am going to have full blown Alzheimer's before I am 30.
4. I terribly miss living in Kansas. Most people complain about it but I think it is beautiful. I love the pace and most of all I miss my family!
5. I have never lived in one place for over 3 years. I plan on spending the rest of my life in the new house. I am excited but at the same time it scares the heck out of me!
6. I think I am going to be one of those people who are stuck in a different decade. You know you see people in their taper leg, acid wash jeans and 80's hairdo. I am stuck in 2006 and I am not sure if I will ever catch up. I may just settle there and be happy.
7. When I was 8 I won the "Guess the Real Captain" contest by Captain Crunch. I sent my answer in AFTER they had announced the real Captain Crunch on television. I thought I was clever and that I had cheated the system. I won a bike, I also was given a bike as a gift that same week for my birthday. Later that same year I won first place in the fire prevention poster contest and the price was a bike! The back up bikes came in handy after I had left the others in the driveway to get ran over...
I am passing this award on to: