Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Post 67: An excuse to go shopping...

I need to go shopping for vacation clothes (and whatnots) today...maybe not NEED but when I go on vacation I like to feel classy in my new pretty clothes other than my dingy over washed rags... hehe. Anyway, I am hoping I can find something like these lovely Etsy finds at the store (since obviously I have waited too long to actually order them from Etsy...)

Lovely grey tunic top...

Beautiful aqua bag to stash my 1,000 SPF sunblock....and other items redheads need for sun exposure...

Totally cute striped tank...
And some fancy vintage sunglasses in a fabulous shade of pink!
Noooow if I can only get the pup to take a nap so I can sneak out.....

And for a Dog Dork update: Gus is now not only clingy but ULTRA clingy where he must be in contact with me at all times and if he is playing I must be within 10 feet...otherwise he stresses out and he acts like the world is coming to an end. A trip to the bathroom usually leads to a puppy breakdown and I am afraid the neighbors assume the pup is mistreated...heh. I am hoping it blows over soon....


  1. Love that tunic!! I can't get the pic to take me to the store- where can I find one?!

  2. That aqua bag is way fab!!
    And that pup..what a cutie pie!!
