This month sure has been a busy one! I have been meaning to keep up on posts but have not found the time. Hopefully I can start to make up for it this week.
So a few random babbles...
The husband and I managed to drag ourselves out in the heat and humidity to watch Fourth of July fireworks. I didn't think anything of it and just brought along a picnic blanket. Bad idea. I forget how hard it is to sit on the ground let alone get up with all this extra baby on me! Speaking of baby, at my last appointment (according to the ultrasound) Luke is measuring 39 weeks, 7lbs and 14oz (with 4 more weeks to go)!! "He's a biggun" as my dad would say.
36weeks 3 days
On Saturday some of my fantastic girlfriends threw me and Luke a beautiful baby shower at the most ADORABLE tea room (I wish I would have remembered my camera). The food was DELICIOUS and I have been craving it ever since, but my husband refuses to accompany me to some place so girly. Sigh.
Friday the husband won tickets to Vince Neil (ridiculous). I passed and went to the movies to see Despicable Me (Totally adorable movie by the way). It was my first 3D movie so I felt all giggly and excited about it. On the way home I hit a pot hole...maybe a crater and bent two rims on my car. That was an expensive mistake!
I also had a little summer book exchange with my
BFF Leanne of
We sent each other 3 books from our stash. The ones I received are:
1. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
2. Pavilion of Women by Pearl Buck
3. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Annnd, along with the books, to accompany all of the ridiculous Twilight hoopla, she sent me these lovely buttons.

Is that not hilarious! I'm all about Team Luke and have buttons for my hospital posse to sport. That is, as long as they are not too embarrassed, hehe.