I say it is totally worth Entering! Aaaand, if I were YOU I would also take a look at her Etsy, Folk.
With that said I have 3 (yes 3!!) days until I am on the beautiful sandy beaches of South Carolina, I am so excited I cant hardly contain myself. That, or I have consumed entirely too much coffee this morning. But, probably a mix of the two. So, now I must use this energy to mow down my weed garden in the back yard before the neighbors start to complain...
All of the fair buildings were old and beautiful. I wish I could have taken the time to get pictures of everything but I was with two men in search of farm equipment. haha. Buut I did get to see my first horse race...
We were on the wrong side but the workers told us we could go stand on the track and watch...so we did...it is nerdy but it made me happy.
All in all it was an absolutely fantastic weekend so I had to share :D.
(This image was found on Flickr)
I am so unbelievably excited to get out of Illinois for a bit and visit beautiful South Carolina. Where I will be sipping fruity drinks on sandy beaches, taking many (many, many, many) pictures of beautiful homes and light houses, and eating delicious sea food (NOT the kind I mentioned here).
.......I really hope people who live in areas like this do not take it for granted....
I am lucky enough that my husbands family is from the East coast so I get to spend most holidays near the beach. Sigh. The places you will move just to make money. Damn responsibility.
I am a firm believer that all canned food is poison, but I indulged in some smoked (canned) oysters today and I had to capture the moment...
Aaaanywho the reason I am posting in the first place is to give you a peek at this incomplete dress I am working on (with my lovely NEW dressform!). It is a bit wrinkled and pinned to the dress form (and the bottom is not close to finished so i left it out sorta...). I have almost finished this one this evening but I don't have good light and truth be told I am far to lazy to take any more pictures at the moment.....
According to UPS my dress form should be arriving today....and I'm tired of waiting (even though I just purchased it on Saturday). Bah. Whyyyyy must I be so impatient?? It is bad. Real bad. I could not hardly sleep last night due to all of my excitement....a lot like Christmas...ha. I'm pitiful.
(image found on flickr)