Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Post 78: My day in one word.

(image found on flickr)

Thanks alot allergies.

On a more pleasant note...I posted a couple new things in the shop, and plan on posting more later this week!


  1. that about sums up allergies perfectly! hehe

  2. haha! oh yes, the snot...i still have some awesome stuff coming out of my head..

    and i have totally been ignoring my blogs... :( bless your heart! thank you so much for mentioning sugar pickle and everything, and for the adorable finds you posted! i promise some day i'll get my act together and give some "mad props" where they are deserved....and i don't know what i just said, really....

  3. That picture is too funny! Sorry to hear about the allergies. I suffer from allergies every day, but I love the southeast too much to move to a climate more suited to my problem sinuses (meaning desert).
