Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post 110: So We Are Adding a Bathroom...

The man and I have decided the time has come to add a bathroom to our humble home. Someone started adding one some 20 years ago, installed an exhaust fan and it never made it any further than that. Soooo what is now our awkward 7'x8' catch all room will soon be our lovely little second bath, thank goodness! I was looking for inspiration for our small space but these pictures have me daydreaming of the day we win the lottery (that we dont play)...

I am in love with this. Is it a pool? Is it a tub? Both?! Would you ever be able to leave this space?
And this bathroom looks so warm, cozy, and homey....sigh I love white, and I also love large open windows near beautiful bathtubs....which means I need to move to a more remote location... (at least my neighbors would probably think so)
I love the chandelier in the bathroom look....but looking through pics it definitely has to be done right or it just looks silly.

Well I have to get started on prepping the room for the plumber and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be toooo outrageous!


  1. wow! i love those first two. i say do that. :D

  2. That first room is so incredible... oh I would just die to have that as my personal bathroom oh my...
