Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Post 57: So, I think I'm going crazy.

Later, Adam and I met my Mom and Step-Dad in St. Louis. We went to the awesome Zoo which is always FREE (and #1 in the nation). I wouldn't recommend going on a weekend for obvious crowdage. Then we all spend Sunday (my birthday!) acting like nerds at Six Flags.

I still had a blast. :)
Anywhoooo, I am hoping to throw together another little giveaway in the next week or so...Sooo keep checking back!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Post 56: ...

I love it.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Post 55: Happy Weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Post 54: Happy (early) Birthday to Meeee!!!

Post 53: ANTICIPATION...(a giveaway!)

(click on picture to enter!)
How can you resist that??? You better hurry the giveaway ends Tuesday July 28th!!! Go to Folk Craft NOW and enter!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Post 52: Fiesta!!
I am in love with this handwoven scarf ....mmmm

And these totally yummy lemon drop earrings....

Oh, I could go on forever but I have already wasted enough of my morning dreaming of all the things I would love to have. The grass is asking to be mowed and Gus has made it clear I am not paying enough attention to him, so I am off! Good day!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Post 51: And we have a winner!!!
Congrats to Gretchen!!
I just have to say I am so stinkin excited that it is Friday. I have no plans for the weekend except the usual Friday night dinner with my Adam. But for some reason I am terribly excited for him to get off work to the point it is ridiculous! Well with that said I hope the rest of you have an absolutely LOVELY weekend!!
OH! I almost forgot my awesome friend Leanne is having an Anniversary Sale at Folk!!
Annnd she added this lovely little number named after ME!! To the Circus with Mandi - Gray and Yellow Ruffle Dress ......$60
How cute and awesome is that?! I cannot get over how perfect these colors are! gahh! So I say get on over to Folk and check it out NOW!
Post 50: ...just because...

So when my husband and I got back from our 4th of July vacation our back deck was covered in black stuff and I had assumed it was from neighborhood kids' fireworks or someone was burning brush and it was just some for of soot that floated our way....I cleaned it up and didn't think twice....Wellllll last night I decided to sit on the deck and watercolor. I noticed the same black stuff...then i noticed it was falling from the tree above me...i look up and hollllly cow.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Post 48: Shop Update!!

Post 47: SNEAK PEEK and some other stuff

I also have to mention this little tchotchke I found while thrifting. I was going to sell them but I have already claimed them as my redheaded children and they look so beautiful on a shelf in my living room...
Well I must get going even though I still have a bazillion things I want to say. I got some great pictures at the fair last night that I hope to share later today!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Post 46: Too much to say.
The best part of my Monday:
Friday, July 10, 2009
Post 45: Have a Happy Weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Post 44: GIVEAWAY numero dos!!!!!!!

So for my second giveaway is this lovely handmade camera/electronics/whatever case! In lovely lime zebra and a sunny strawberry polka dot print! You say you want it?? Wellll here is what you have to do.
1. Already be a follower or start following and leave a comment!
2. For another entry visit my shop and leave a comment telling me which is your favorite item.
3. Annnd for two additional entries mention my giveaway on your blog!! (but don't forget to leave a comment letting me know you did so!)
Post 43: Good Morning Folks!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Post 42: Puppies are my new weAkness
...and he is so completely spoiled...And he is turning into one of those creepy dog owners, where all i talk about is dogs.... and what my dog did yesterday, what he ate, and how i thought he was cute.... blah blah blah.....sigh. Forgive me world?
P.S. If I'm not too lazy for taking pictures I should have a giveaway up tomorrow! Be sure to check back!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Post 41: And the winner is....

Monday, July 6, 2009
Post 40: Don't forget the GIVEAWAY!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Post 39: Independence Day!

He ripped his patella tendon playing last weekend so the poor little guy had to have surgery. :( Therefore, I will be wherever he decides he wants to go so that I may properly spoil him, as I do all of my younger siblings!
This also means I will be gone for a few days! When I get back I will be catching up on my posts and all that good stuff OOOHH and I will also be drawing for my lovely giveaway so don't forget to comment on the post!!! Click the link at the top of the page to enter!