I made my third sale this week!! I shipped my "Paulette Is Back From Paradise Island" Clutch out to Finland yesterday...therefore I am now worldwide!
I also got a new camera from my lovely husband yesterday!! A Canon Stylus Tough 8000. I can drop it, step on it, use it in the water...and it won't break! Which is great for me since I have been through 3 cameras in a year....(I am a bit clumsy)
I also inherited my Uncle Greg's box of oil paints, brushes etc...
It makes me so sad but has a bit of happiness in it at the same time.
I also used my new camera to take another picture of Baby Gus...and he POSED for me! I thought it was cute and funny...but since he is my puppy everyone else might not be as entertained by it hehe...
Annnd this is currently my favorite wall in my house so I wanted to share it (it is a work in progress).. They are all pictures of family members which makes it special to my me and my husband.

I love old photographs. I have also started adding a couple "newer" ones as well (all black and white). All of my frames were bought at garage sales and thrift stores and hit with a can of black spray paint and
wa la!
Okay, that all may have been a bit random, but that seems to be what I am all about. ha. I hope you were at least somewhat entertained by it. You all have a great weekend!!